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Ashland Colon HydroTherapy & Ayurveda

Frequently Asked Questions about:
Colon Hydrotherapy & Colonics

Photo of Hidden Springs Wellness Center : Angel of Water

How Does Colon Hydrotherapy Work?

Watch above, as Youtuber Jylesa Amour...
and others go thru their first colonics ever!

Trick Question!
There is no difference.

These are all names for the same basic process or procedure -- also called Colonic Irrigation in American medicine.
During a Colon Cleanse, large amounts of water, sometimes totalling up to 16 gallons (or about 60 liters) can be flushed through the colon.
This is done using a tube that is inserted into the rectum, and delivers warm clean water inside.
Each time the water flows back out, it carries with it waste material and toxins.
A Colonic is the process of removing accumulated fecal matter, mucus and sludge from the colon by gently rinsing the colon with warm water.
15-16 gallons of water can flush through the five feet of colon during a Colonic treatment.
In some cases, the process evacuates the equivalent of 15-16 bowel movements.
The procedure itself typically involves either, no pain at all or minor discomfort -- that can include mild nausea or cramping.

Laxatives or enemas can put unnecessary stress on the body, and irritate your stomach.
However, Colonic & Colon Hydrotherapy patients do not report these side effects.
Colonic Irrigation involves inserting the nozzle of a device into the rectum to send water into the colon.
You can control the pressure and temperature of the water,
and the entire procedure usually takes around 45 minutes.
Its more about relaxation.
A very gentle flow of warm, filtered water fills you, then you push it out.
This process repeats itself over and over during the session.
Laxatives are pharmaceutical type products and contain chemicals.
In contrast, Colonic Irrigation treatment uses only clean warm water, without any additives at all.

The chemicals in laxatives can also kill the beneficial bacteria that are necessary for a healthy bowel.
...and do damage in many other ways.
Although taking laxatives may seem like the more convenient solution to problems such as constipation and chronic diarrhea, the truth is the total opposite.

The disadvantages of purgatives are the following:
  • They irritate the entire digestive tract.
  • They upset the pH of the stomach and digestive processes.
  • They artificially stimulate peristalsis or muscle contraction.
  • They aggravate the nervous system.
  • They cause cramping and discomfort.
  • They have unpredictable effects.
  • They may give instant relief, but may also do long-term damage to the lining of the digestive system.
  • They cause dehydration since they move the chyme too quickly and interrupt water absorption to cells.
  • They may initiate a cycle of diarrhea and constipation.
  • They cause weakness, potential ballooning, and strictures in the colon muscles.
  • Long-term use can reduce muscle tone, resulting in the colon becoming distorted.
  • They cause excess mucus buildup that happens when the body tries to protect the colon from irritation.
  • They make constipation problems worse.
  • Ultimately, they don’t work.

Still not convinced??

Almost all laxative products contain a stimulant laxative called, senna and/or cascara sagrada.
These are herbal stimulant laxatives that, over time, will weaken the colon muscles and create what is known as atonic colon or flabby colon.
This condition occurs with overuse of any laxative.

With continued overuse, the colon will stop working on its own, and only move when stimulated by a laxative.

So beware of these ingredients, senna and/or cascara sagrada, in any product you plan to use for more than a few consecutive days.
To help ease a client’s condition, we offer a bowel retraining service, which consists of the following:
  • An initial series of three treatments within 7 days
  • One treatment per week for 6 weeks
  • One treatment every other week for 6 weeks
  • One maintenance treatment per month
  • Colon hydrotherapy performed using our system will make your colon muscles stronger.
In addition, your therapist will also give you tips on diet and water intake to help you achieve colon regularity.
Call or email us today for more information about the scope of our services.

Our services are open to anyone aiming to have regular bowel movements or improve specific health issues.
The 'Open System' is the newer type of Colon Hydrotherapy, whereas the 'Closed System' is the old way of doing Colonics.

Why is there a newer system? Because the newer, Open System is regarded as much safer, gentler and more effective than the old method of Colon Hydrotherapy.

Here at Ashland Colon Hydrotherapy & Ayurveda, we use an Angel of Water Colon Hydrotherapy System. It is one of these newer and nicer Open Systems, not a Closed System and not a Gravity System.
This video demonstrates the Angel of Water system that we use at Ashland Colon Hydrotherapy & Ayurveda.
A series of normal coordinated and rhythmic muscle contractions, that occurs automatically in the body to move food through the digestive tract, is called peristalsis.
The Angel of Water system is a non-invasive and secure therapy device for helping the body to eliminate toxins and stimulate a healthy digestive & immune system.
It is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved system -- the Angel of Water is a very modern and comfortable system, that is also FDA certified & allows you to fully relax during the process.

In the process of Colon Cleansing, water is inserted into the colon and it slightly stimulates natural muscular contractions (called 'peristalsis'), consequently eliminating waste & toxins.
At Ashland Colon Hydrotheraphy & Ayurveda we use an Angel of Water system.

Benefits of Colonics / Who Needs Colon Hydrotherapy?

It is suggested that Colonics be avoided by:
While the body is able to cleanse itself of toxins naturally, sometimes it can be helpful to remove the workload from the body.
Colon Hydrotherapy can help reduce stress on the body systems so it can heal other areas.
Signs of Colon Problems:
  • Fatigue (Even when you get 8 or more hours of sleep, you may feel tired and sluggish throughout the day)
  • Weight Gain
  • Pale Skin / Acne
  • Digestive Problems
  • Poor Concentration / Brain Fog
  • Bad Breath or Body Odor
Colonics can often help if you are experiencing any of these symptoms above.
It may be time for you to try colon hydrotherapy if you are experiencing any of the following:
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Back Pain
  • Bad Breath
  • Body Odor
  • Candidiasis
  • Chemical Sensitivity
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Cold Feet and Hands
  • Constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Eczema
  • Fever
  • Foot Pain
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular Periods
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Joint and Muscle Pain
  • Skin Disorders
  • Weight Issues
      In the event that you do have one of these conditions -- Ask about Bowel Retraining services.

      Or discuss your issue with the therapist so that a Pulse Diagnosis & tailored treatment plan can be implemented.
Clients report that Colon Hydrotherapy has cleared up their acne, allergies, and asthma.

Colon Hydrotherapy is not a cure but a is valuable procedure for a wide variety of health problems.
Constipation often occurs when waste products remain in the body.
This can impair normal digestion.

A healthy person eliminates waste once per day, usually in the morning.

A Colon Cleanse clears out this waste, and anything else affecting digestion.
It can also improve the peristalsis movement, and muscle tone of the intestine.
Toxins from your gastrointestinal tract can possibly cause a variety of health problems, such as arthritis and high blood pressure.
Colon Cleansing improves health by reducing the toxin-load -- it can boost your energy, and free-up your immune system to heal other body issues.
Colonic Irrigation is one of the safest & most effective ways to treat bloating, and aids in removing gas producing bacteria.
Depending on the outcome of your consultation, your therapist will recommend how many Colon Cleansing treatments you should undergo.

This varies from person to person, and can be as little as just one treatment in a period of 1 to 3 months, or a course of up to 6.
If you have never had a Colonic before, or if it has been a long time since you last had one -- you will get the most out of it by doing a series of 3 sessions within a 7 day span.

You may need more sessions depending on your current situation and health goals.
Benefits of Multiple Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions:
Since the top benefit of Colon Hydrotherapy is an increase in immune system function & increased immunity, we recommend to cleanse the colon four times per year to coincide with seasonal changes.
Adults can do Colon Cleansing whenever they feel inclined.

For people who don't yet get Colonics? As a general rule of thumb, individuals should begin screening 10 years before the average-age of people who are diagnosed with colon cancer -- which is currently age 45 So the average age to begin regular Colon Cleansing and Screenings, would be age 35.

If someone in your family has experienced colon cancer younger than age 45, you may consider starting sooner.
The primary risk associated with Colonics is:
Colon perforation.

A perforation is a small tear or hole in the wall of the large intestine, which if left untreated, can lead to severe infection.

The primary symptoms of gastrointestinal perforation are severe abdominal pain and tenderness.
The abdomen may also protrude or feel hard to the touch.

If the hole is in a person's stomach or small intestine, the onset of pain is usually sudden,
but if the hole is in the large bowel, the pain may come on gradually.
If you work with one of our therapists at Ashland Colon Hydrotherapy & Ayurveda, a colonic can be a truly enlightening, educational process.

You can expand your awareness of your body’s functionality by checking signals from your abdomen, skin, face, and even your elimination.

People find that when you do regular cleansing of the colon, it's easier to spot the beginnings of any developing conditions before they become serious.
The answer is -- that it's actually the best time to have your session. Your body is naturally cleansing, so your treatment will be even better. Many clients report they have an easier period when having regular sessions, and they schedule their appointments to coincide with their cycle.

How do I prepare?

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks act as a diuretic -- so this means they eliminate water via the kidneys, leading to dehydration.
It's better to be well hydrated before having Colonic Irrigation, so it's better to steer clear of alcohol and caffeine.
Avoid sodas and fizzy drinks, because most also contain some forms of caffiene.
Plain warm water is the best choice.
Prior to a Colonic Irrigation session, you should refrain from eating -- do NOT eat for at least two hours before your scheduled appointment.
For the best results, prepare a diet of vegetables and grains, drink plenty of water, and avoid red meats.
Wear Loose Clothing:
You will only need to remove your pants and underwear for the Colon Hydrotherapy session.
Short dresses are recommended as well, since they do not have to be removed.
Loose clothing is preferred, so you can easily slip out of, and back into your clothes after your session is over.
The national average cost of a Colon Hydrotherapy treatment is around $100-150.
With most people experiencing great benefits from colonic treatments, they can be one of the most cost-effective ways to improve your overall health.
If you're looking for a Colon Hydrotherapy deal, be sure to check out our website!

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While Colon Hydrotherapy is not accepted by most insurance carriers, many insurers will accept claims made by clients IF accompanied by a prescription from an authorized health care provider.
Typically, your M.D., D.O., D.D.S., or Nurse Practitioner may write a prescription, if asked. ;)

We do not currently take insurance, but we are working to change this.
Please let us know if it would benefit you, for us to take insurance, and what insurance provider you use.

After the Session?

Clients can sometimes feel slightly unwell, symptoms of a period pain ache, head ache, sense of fatigue.
Having these symptoms early during a colonic, implies the body is cleansing itself efficiently.

If the client experiences some of the symptoms after the treatment, it may mean the body is fairly toxic and overloaded.
Most people remark on how clean and light they feel, as though they just took a bath on the inside. Other common responses are increased energy and feelings of well-being.
Your next normal bowel movement is usually 1 to 3 days after your Colon Hydrotherapy session.
The most common post-Colonic experience is to have a slight delay in bowel movements.
This is not constipation, rather it is the sign of a clean empty bowel.

Sometimes, there may be no bowel movement for several days following a Colonic. This longer period of time, should be interpreted as an indication that the colon DOES require strengthening and healing.
Let your Colon Hydrotherapist know you are experiencing a long period of time without bowel movements, and they can help you formulate a diet plan that helps to strengthen the colon.

Rarely, diarrhea may also be experienced.
By cleansing the colon of built-up waste, the colon can shrink back to its original, more proportionate size.
This reduces the weight & size around your midsection, which helps to flatten your stomach.
Colon Cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss; some people claim to have lost up to 20 pounds over the course of a month. The average human colon weighs about four pounds empty and can hold up to eight meals' worth of food before digestion finally occurs.
After a Colonic you should:
  • NOT Eat raw vegetables. (Really? Yes, cook your vegtables on the stove -- NO MicroWaves!)
  • NOT Eat meat (especially beef, pork as well as chicken)
  • NOT Drink alcohol
  • NOT Drink caffeine (coffee, energy drinks, all sodas, yerba mate, kombucha, etc)
  • NOT Eat sugar, NOR sugar substitutes.
    What can you eat then? We recommend:
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Soups
  • Whole raw fruits are great, when eaten by themselves.
    and Reduce the workload on your intestines, by chewing your food VERY thoroughly!

    How do Cows and Elephants get so big eating grass??
    They chew their food again & again -- 4 different times!
  • We suggest that you eat at your normal meal time and consume only a moderate amount of food that seems gentle and nourishing to you.

    Salads, vegetable soups or broths, well-chewed whole raw fruits or whole raw fruit smoothies are the best choices.
    Avoid drinking alcohol for at least two days after a Colonic Irrigation treatment.
    You will probably be experiencing more urination and dehydration because of the Colonic, and alcohol will just dehydrate you even further.
    This can cause several issues, such as mild to severe headaches and faintness.
    When the colon begins to cleanse -- old putrefactive material begins to re-hydrate, and there is often a re-absorption of toxic substances into the bloodstream.
    As a result some people may experience nausea, flu-like aches, headache, fever, dizziness, water retention, lethargy, aching joints and depression.

    If you experience any of the symptoms above, please let us know, soon after your visit.

    Ashland Colon Hydrotherapy
    & Ayurveda

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